Matthew Richardson


This series of images explores how the entanglement of words and their meaning can become ‘real’ in the in-between state between waking and dreaming. The ambiguous objects are somewhere between things, thoughts and feelings. I have extracted and used Frank Baker’s words of self-doubt and self-recrimination to show his restless thoughts and the re-tracing of his actions.

I am an artist & illustrator making collages, assemblages, books and films, in physical and digital media. My work looks at how meanings, messages and the stories we tell, shift and mutate over and across time.

Recent works have involved working with literary manuscripts, including JG Ballard & Iris Murdoch. I’m fascinated by how words become images and have been using manuscripts as ‘sites’ that are both excavated and built upon to create new works. This process, that I call ‘para-illustration’ is not simply a supplement or completion of a text in visual form, but an intervention that reveals the material as a new literary landscape.



Jessica Hamp


Jacob Weeks