Search Catalogue
By Lily Roberts
"Since lockdown started I have been battling with my sleep schedule every day. Normally falling asleep around midnight I now found I wasn't able to sleep until at least 5am, with some days just not sleeping at all and going through to the next day without any rest or time to reset. My anxiety was through the roof having spent all my time with no one to talk to, isolating alone in my student house where the rest of my housemates had quickly moved back home when the lockdown was announced.
I couldn't stop thinking! All the time!
My head was completely full of thoughts and questions, not even particularly upsetting things, just completely obsessive thoughts that wouldn't quieten when it was time for my brain to shut off.
I'm an incredibly obsessively introspective person at normal times constantly googling things I need to know about my health or wellbeing or surroundings or the world we live in, it is as if I fully cannot learn enough. I want to know absolutely everything possible. With the heightened anxieties of the pandemic this had only gotten worse, and one night (or should I say morning, it was 8am) after 2 full days without sleep and browsing the NHS website for the symptoms of another health problem I had convinced myself I had, I decided to catalogue these searches. Truly document my slow insanity over the weeks in the most plain stated honest way."