Etain O'Carroll

‘Untitled- Photograph’

Curtailed by a pandemic, losing sleep and experiencing weird dreams, this last year has seen untold numbers of us experiencing that feverish 3am crisis of conscience Frank Baker wrote about.

We have all been forced to revaluate our lives, our perspectives and our preoccupations – often in the depths of the night in a home that has become all too familiar.

In attempting to find a new perspective on my immediate surroundings, I was drawn to exploring a more abstract and creative way in which to view them, abandoning normal constraints and using intentional camera movement and slow shutter speeds to capture a world very different from the one before me. The mindful act of pausing to observe, finding beauty in the small things, and then accepting a lack of control over the outcome, forced me to see the world in a different way. When faced with so many constraints, yielding to chance became liberating, and capturing light, movement and reflections in unforeseen ways a way to recapture the joy in familiar surroundings.


Maria Leskinen


Agata Nowak